
Our Reports & Publications - This project is no longer actively supported. Information and resources are current as of 2016 and are archived here for informational purposes.

Accounting for spatially biased sampling effort in presence-only species distribution modelling
Stolar, J., and S.E. Nielsen | May 01, 2015

Apparent survival of adult Burrowing Owls that breed in Canada is influenced by weather during migration and on their wintering grounds
Wellicome, T.I., et al. | November 01, 2014

Projecting boreal bird responses to climate change: the signal exceeds the noise
Stralberg, D. et al. | January 02, 2015

Assisted Migrations of the Northern Blazing Star and Long-leaved Bluets in Alberta: 2014 Progress Report
Interim Reports
Pedersen, J. et al. | December 01, 2014

Summary of 2014 field research assessing the use of assisted migration as a potential tool for conserving dispersal-limited plant species, using two model species: northern blazing star and long-leaved bluets.

Blog Post
Groundwork: Understanding user assumptions and bases for the Adapt-action tool
Interim Reports
Haddock R. and G. Greenaway | July 30, 2014

Climate change adaptation for biodiversity management in Alberta – BMCCA Fact Sheet
Quick Facts
BMCCA | July 24, 2014

Conserving Alberta’s Biodiversity Under Climate Change: A Review and Analysis of Adaptation Measures
Final Reports
Schneider, R. | June 19, 2014

A review of the challenges to and options for incorporating climate change in the conservation and management of Alberta’s biodiversity.

Climate change vulnerability of Alberta’s terrestrial biodiversity: a preliminary assessment
Final Reports
Shank, C.C., and A. Nixon | June 10, 2014

Vulnerability assessments of 173 Alberta species to climate change.

2013-2014 BMCCA Newsletter
Quick Facts
BMCCA | June 03, 2014


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