Reserve design under climate change: from land facets back to ecosystem representation
Latest Post
Schneider, R.R. and E.M. Bayne | May 15, 2015

Ferruginous Hawk Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Alberta
Final Reports
Shank C.C. and E.M. Bayne | March 31, 2015

The Alberta Ferruginous Hawk population has declined dramatically since the 1990s, and climate change has been identified as a factor that could hamper this species’ recovery. This report  summarizes the potential effects of climate change on Ferruginous Hawks and explores the adaptive responses that could be used to help this  species persist in a changing climate.

Climate change refugia for boreal birds in Alberta
Quick Facts
Stralberg, D. et al. | December 15, 2014

Projected responses of Alberta grassland songbirds to climate change
Final Reports
Nixon, A. et al | February 01, 2015

Projected changes in distribution for 15 Alberta grassland songbirds in response to climate change to the end of the century.

Blog Post
Climate change and the provision of ecosystem services in Alberta: an initial assessment of impacts and adaptation strategies on Alberta’s rangelands
Interim Reports
Nixon, A. et al. | March 31, 2015

Blog Post
Bird community composition along elevation and latitudinal gradients in Alberta’s mixedwood forest: analogues for our future climate?
Interim Reports
Bayne, E., and D. Stralberg | March 31, 2015

Blog Post
Ferruginous Hawk climate change study summary
Interim Reports
Nordell, C., and E.M. Bayne | March 27, 2015

Blog Post
Summary: A novel approach to predicting species responses to climate change in the Canadian prairies
Interim Reports
White, S.R. et al. | February 01, 2015

Blog Post
Hills refugia project: 2014 update
Interim Reports
Stralberg, D. et al. | December 23, 2014


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