Our Work

This project has been completed and is no longer actively supported. Information and resources on the site are current as of 2016 and are archived here for informational purposes.


Alberta’s climate is becoming warmer, drier and more variable. Our goal was to develop essential knowledge and tools to support the management of Alberta’s biodiversity, our species and ecosystems, in a changing climate. Identifying the potential impacts of climate change on Alberta’s species, ecosystems and human communities and incorporating that knowledge into today’s decisions about land use, natural resource and species management can help avoid the need for ineffective, and potentially costly, actions in the future.
Climate Change Impacts

Climate Change Impacts

We identified the potential impacts of climate change on Alberta’s species and ecosystems through a variety of mapping and analysis methods. Predicting the consequences of climate change on our biodiversity is the first step towards integrating climate change into planning and decision-making in the province.

In the Field

Field Projects

Our field projects were directed towards developing a better understanding of the relationships between today’s climate and Alberta’s biodiversity, including the ongoing survival of sensitive species like Burrowing Owls, Ferruginous Hawks and rare plants. Field experiments also examined potential conservation actions that could support these species as climate change progresses.

Ways to Adapt

Ways to Adapt

We built on our understanding of the climate change impacts on Alberta’s biodiversity to outline and demonstrate relevant, scientifically based ways of incorporating climate change into biodiversity-related planning and decision-making in the province.

Community Resilience

Community Resilience

We developed a web-based tool to connect Alberta’s municipalities to the implications of climate change for their community and to effective adaptation strategies that support climate resilience.


Highlights of our Work

The final synthesis report provides a comprehensive overview of the Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation project, including highlights of research outcomes and key conclusions.

Our Stories

Stories on ABMI's blog It's Our Nature to Know

Our Core Funder

We gratefully acknowledge core funding for this project from the
Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation.

Miistakis Institute

Our Collaborators & Funders

Without the expertise and enthusiasm of our project team members from these collaborating organizations, this work would not be possible.
Thank you!

University of Alberta
Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions
Alverta Innovates Technology Futures
Alverta Innovates Technology Futures
Boreal Avian Modelling Project
Alberta conservation Association