Moving beyond bioclimatic envelope models: integrating upland forest and peatland processes to predict ecosystem transitions under climate change in the western Canadian boreal plain
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Schneider, R.R., K. Devito, N. Kettridge, and E. Bayne | December 17, 2015

Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) alter parental behaviours in response to approaching storms
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Laux, C.M., C.J. Nordell, R.J. Fisher, J.W. Ng, T.I. Wellicome, and E.M. Bayne | September 01, 2015

Are American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Canadian Rockies vulnerable to climate change?
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Shank, C.C. | November 02, 2015

Extreme precipitation reduces reproductive output of an endangered raptor
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Fisher, R.J., T.I. Wellicome, E.M. Bayne, R.G. Poulin, L.D. Todd, and A.T. Ford | in press

Gains and losses of plant species and phylogenetic diversity for a northern high-latitude region
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Zhang, J., S.E. Nielsen, J. Stolar, Y. Chen, and W. Thuiller | in press

Conservation of future boreal forest bird communities considering lags in vegetation response to climate change: a modified refugia approach
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Stralberg, D., E.M. Bayne, S.G. Cumming, P. Solymos, S.J. Song, and F.K.A. Schmiegelow | July 20, 2015

Adapting monitoring to more effectively assess the impacts of climate change on Alberta’s biodiversity
Final Reports
Bayne E.M., D. Stralberg, and A. Nixon | June 30, 2015

Biodiversity monitoring is essential to support climate change adaptation. This report describes a variety of ways that the ABMI’s data can be used to detect the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and gaps that could be addressed to improve monitoring to support climate change adaptation.

Blog Post
Preliminary scenarios of climate-driven changes in boreal forest vegetation in bird populations in Alberta considering topo-edaphic constraints and future disturbance
Interim Reports
Stralberg, D., E.M. Bayne, P. Solymos, F. Robinne, X. Wang, and M-A. Parisien | June 29, 2015

Understanding and Responding to the Effects of Climate Change on Alberta’s Biodiversity
Final Reports
Nixon, A., C.C. Shank, and D. Farr. | June 17, 2015

A comprehensive overview of the Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation project, including highlights of research outcomes and key conclusions.


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