
BMCCA in the Media - This project is no longer actively supported. Information and resources are current as of 2016 and are archived here for informational purposes.

Scientists predict change in provincial ecosystems
Scientists predict change in provincial ecosystems
Bmcca in the Media

Alberta's climate is changing and expected to bring many changes to the province's vast ecosystems and species, according to
BMCCA researcher Chris Shank, who is co-author of a report on Understanding and Respecting the Effects of Climate Change on Alberta's Biodiversity, during a recent presentation for the Bow Valley Naturalists.

Pikas may face less warming threat
Pikas may face less warming threat
Bmcca in the Media

New research suggests the American pika living high in the mountains of Alberta is very vulnerable to a changing climate – but there’s hope they won’t be at risk of disappearing as previously thought.

Alberta wildflowers help scientists plan for climate change
Alberta wildflowers help scientists plan for climate change
Bmcca in the Media

The Northern Blazing Star is helping researchers develop strategies for coping with climate change.

Transplanting the plant species to southern Alberta, where temperatures are as hot as those projected for its current habitat later this century, researchers found poor germination and establishment. But when moved north of its current range, it flourished.

Drastic weather changes possible for Alberta
Drastic weather changes possible for Alberta
Bmcca in the Media

Researchers adapted 24 climate models to predict what could happen over next 100 years

Report released on climate change impacts on Alberta
Report released on climate change impacts on Alberta
Bmcca in the Media

EDMONTON – A new climate change report projects Alberta will generally see an earlier spring, increased precipitation, warmer temperatures, and an overall drier climate, which could eliminate nearly all of the boreal forest.

Weathering the storm
Weathering the storm
Bmcca in the Media

Extreme weather and climate change's effects on prairie birds

Ferruginous hawks challenged by climate change
Ferruginous hawks challenged by climate change
Bmcca in the Media

Coyotes will flourish, amphibians will die off in hotter, drier Alberta
Coyotes will flourish, amphibians will die off in hotter, drier Alberta
Bmcca in the Media

Alberta Frogs Most At Risk From Climate Change
Alberta Frogs Most At Risk From Climate Change
Bmcca in the Media

EDMONTON - The peaceful croaking of frogs in Alberta ponds could eventually go silent, according to an assessment of how climate change could affect the province's plants and animals.

Climate Change
Climate Change
Bmcca in the Media

Each week Terra Informa delivers coverage of breaking environmental news from across Canada and around the world.

Climate Change
Climate Change
Bmcca in the Media

Listen to hear our University of Alberta collaborators Dr. Scott Nielsen and Dr. Erin Bayne tell Briar Stewart what climate change might mean for the management of biodiversity in Alberta.

Climate Change
Climate Change
Bmcca in the Media

Listening in on climate change

Climate Change
Climate Change
Bmcca in the Media

Listening in on climate change - Dr. Erin Bayne on CBC Edmonton's Radio Active