A Blueprint for Engagement: Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for the Adapt-action Tool
Interim Reports
Chernoff, G. | March 01, 2014

A plan to engage key stakeholders from municipalities, municipal organizations and organizations involved in climate change adaptation planning to test the provisional Adapt-action tool.

Navigating with Narratives: Using a Story-telling Approach to Connect Climate Change Implications and Adaptation Actions in the Adapt-action Tool
Interim Reports
Greenaway, G. | March 01, 2014

A description of how the use of narratives, or stories built around specific climate change issues, in the Adapt-action tool will guide the user from information on the projected changes in their region through to understanding strategies they can use to build a climate-change-resilient communities.

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): The role of EbA to address climate change in southern Alberta
Interim Reports
Lee, T., and K. Sanderson | March 01, 2014

A review of climate change adaptation strategies that incorporate ecosystem-based approaches to reduce the impacts of climate change on the environmental, social and economic well-being of communities.

Environmental Changes and Implications of Climate Change for Rural Communities in the Grassland Natural Region of Alberta
Interim Reports
Lee, T. et al. | March 01, 2014

A summary of existing and potential future impacts of climate change on the well-being of communities in the prairie region of southern Alberta.

Climate change and assisted migration of montane mammals
Interim Reports
Lane, J. | March 01, 2014

Summary of 2013 field research on the influences of climate on the hibernation patterns of the Columbian ground squirrel.

Protecting rare grassland birds from extreme weather events
Interim Reports
Fisher, R., and E. Bayne | December 01, 2013

Summary of 2013 field research assessing the vulnerability of two rare grassland birds, the Burrowing Owl and Ferruginous Hawk to extreme weather.

Climate change adaptation action plans – Alberta process review
Interim Reports
Sanderson, K. | November 01, 2013

How decision support tools that reflect climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for biodiversity and ecosystem services can fit into climate change adaptation planning.

Making Resilience Matter: Communications Strategy for the Local Adaptations Sub-project
Interim Reports
Greenaway, G. | September 01, 2013

A communication strategy intended to guide creation of materials that support local decision-makers to embrace a resilience-based approach to climate change adaptation.

Downscaling Climate Data for Climate Change Adaptation Action Planning in Alberta
Interim Reports
Chernoff, G. | September 01, 2013

A review of techniques for downscaling climate data for climate change adaptation action planning, including examples of spatial (traditional) and narrative downscaling.


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