Burrowing Owl Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Alberta
Final Reports
Fisher, R.J., and E.M. Bayne | March 31, 2014

Alberta’s Burrowing Owls are facing increased development pressures and a changing climate. This report highlights adaptation strategies that could support this species in changing climate conditions and a projected increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

Assisted Migrations of the Northern Blazing Star and Long-leaved Bluets in Alberta
Interim Reports
Pedersen, J. et al. | March 01, 2014

Summary of 2013 field research assessing the use of assisted migration as a potential tool for conserving dispersal-limited plant species, using two model species: northern blazing star and long-leaved bluets.

A Blueprint for Engagement: Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for the Adapt-action Tool
Interim Reports
Chernoff, G. | March 01, 2014

A plan to engage key stakeholders from municipalities, municipal organizations and organizations involved in climate change adaptation planning to test the provisional Adapt-action tool.

Navigating with Narratives: Using a Story-telling Approach to Connect Climate Change Implications and Adaptation Actions in the Adapt-action Tool
Interim Reports
Greenaway, G. | March 01, 2014

A description of how the use of narratives, or stories built around specific climate change issues, in the Adapt-action tool will guide the user from information on the projected changes in their region through to understanding strategies they can use to build a climate-change-resilient communities.

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): The role of EbA to address climate change in southern Alberta
Interim Reports
Lee, T., and K. Sanderson | March 01, 2014

A review of climate change adaptation strategies that incorporate ecosystem-based approaches to reduce the impacts of climate change on the environmental, social and economic well-being of communities.

Environmental Changes and Implications of Climate Change for Rural Communities in the Grassland Natural Region of Alberta
Interim Reports
Lee, T. et al. | March 01, 2014

A summary of existing and potential future impacts of climate change on the well-being of communities in the prairie region of southern Alberta.

Climate change and assisted migration of montane mammals
Interim Reports
Lane, J. | March 01, 2014

Summary of 2013 field research on the influences of climate on the hibernation patterns of the Columbian ground squirrel.

Predicting invasive plant response to climate change: prioritization and mapping of new potential threats to Alberta’s biodiversity.
Final Reports
Chai, S.-L. et al. | March 01, 2014

A risk assessment for 16 potentially new invasive plant species to Alberta that combines invasiveness and climate change-related risk.


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